内容:月夜美败北三足侍奉 本内容纯虚构,仅供娱乐活动,请勿模仿,与现实无任何关系。
流体表现,石化。视频为简易摄像机拍摄 ,(^_^) 无故事文字。
1. 简易流体动画,简易音效(女呼吸声+BGM+液体声)的01:54视频。
2. 41张4K图
3. 压缩版PDF 给手机上观看。
本作是个快速架构作品,是个月夜美的小型同人作品 。
This work is shot in a single scene, with a foot-H theme. It is a scene of the beautiful Moon goddess having foot-H with 3 monster when defeated and exhausted before she were captured.
Fluid manifestation, petrification. The video was shot with a handheld camera very unstable, (^_^) no story text.
1. A 01:54 video of simple fluid animation and simple sound effects (female breathing+ BGM+liquid).
2. 41page 4K pictures
3. Compressed PDF for viewing on mobile phones.
Please read the description carefully and do not compare the price of it with complete story works such as Ultra Fiona and FinBlade--Klein.
Be Careful and Make sure you purchase voluntarily.
This work is a customized commision work. The original 220-word design by the client. Approved me to published and sell this work. Images editing made by Lance97.
The texture is referenced on the character of the ancient god willothewisp33, his character MoonLight月夜美 , also my first female card in HS2.
This work is a Speed Construction Work, a small doujinshi work of MoonLight月夜美 .
All reprinting, piracy, secondary editing, and self-purchased sharing are prohibited.